Beautifying ourselves...

Hi babes out there, I believe your appearence plays the important part in your life. Besides stylish outifits and pretty make up, another issue is the condition of our skin and health. A lot people actually neglected in taking good care of their health and body. Due to unhealthy diet, stress and busy and etc... as time goes by without proper care for our health, problems coming one another such as fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation freckles etc.. sickness such as heart problem ageing brain cell etc....

So start to make your effort now for your health and skin

Good and expensive set of skin care is not really enough as they are just working on the outside, and the inside which you have been neglecting needs something to work on too!!!

CoEnzyme Q10
CoEnzyme Q10 serves as one of the key mitochondrial enzymes involved in the production of energy (ATP) within each cell in our body. It is a powerful antioxidant that aids in metabolic reactions and also protects the body from free radical damage. Hence it is beneficial both to maintaining youthful looking skin and boosting our immune system.

The benefits are.....
*A strong antioxidant that helps the cell from ageing.
*Increase production of energyin muscles cells.
*Delay the ageing of brain cells.
*Strenghtening of the heart muscle.
*Improve the immune system.

Cell therapy is the use of the living cells or extracts, to treat diseases, to improve health and vitality, for rejuvenating effects and revitalization effects. It includes the use of placenta, embryonice or foetal cells given by injection or through extracts oral supplements, to renew and enhance biological functions

In acient times, the Egyptians used crushed animal organs to improve human vitality and treat various aliments over 3500 years ago. Whilst in modern medicine, animal foetal and placenta extract therapies were 1st develope in Europe, especially in Switzerland in the 1920s

It was found that placenta contained a high concentration of biochemical substances such as growth factors, nucleic acids, peptides, enzymes, designed to bring out about high growth rate of foetal structure. Our growth factors start to decline once we reach adulthood. When placenta extract is injected or consumed by adult human, such substances are absorbed to enhance the internal systems, slowing and reversing degeneration and disease. Specifically for anti ageing purposes, very young placental cells are used because it is found that the young cells can influence the patient cells to repair and rejuvenate themselves.

The benefits are.....
*Stimulates and promotes regeneration of cells in specific organ systems.
*Reduces sign of skin ageing such as FINE LINES , WRINKLES, PIGMENTATION FRECKLES and DULL SKIN TONE. The result is healthier and balanced youthful skin
*Accelerates repair of ageing or injured cells, muscle and nerve tissue. Hence the body physically looks fitter and more flexible.
*Revitalizes and strengthensthe immune system and thereby regaining health, vitality and phisical power.

Nature Skin collagen
Scientifically formulated to combine the natural goodness of Marine collagen with the well know anti aging properties of Antioxidants to help in supporting rejuvenating and maintaining vibrant and healthy skin

The benefits are...
*Helps replace the collagen your body loses and hence combat 'aging skin' and wrinkles to help gives you a fair, smooth and radiant complexion.
*Enhance atioxidant, beauty from the within naturally.

For more infomation, please feel free to ask in my tag box.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

LOVE IS NOT A RELATIONSHIP. Love relates, but it is not a relationship.

LOVE IS NOT A RELATIONSHIP. Love relates, but it is not a relationship. A relationship is something finished. A relationship is a noun; the full stop has come, the honeymoon is over. Now there is no joy, no enthusiasm, now all is finished. You can carry it on, just to keep your promises. You can carry it on because it is comfortable, convenient, cozy. You can carry it on because there is nothing else to do. You can carry it on because if you disrupt it, it is going to create much trouble for you… Relationship means something complete, finished, closed.

Love is never a relationship; love is relating. It is always a river, flowing, unending. Love knows no full stop; the honeymoon begins but never ends. It is not like a novel that starts at a certain point and ends at a certain point. It is an ongoing phenomenon. Lovers end, love continues– it is a continuum. It is a verb, not a noun.

And why do we reduce the beauty of relating to relationship? Why are we in such a hurry? Because to relate is insecure, and relationship is a security. Relationship has a certainty; relating is just a meeting of two strangers, maybe just an overnight stay and in the morning we say goodbye. Who knows what is going to happen tomorrow? And we are so afraid that we want to make it certain, we want to make it predictable. We would like tomorrow to be according to our ideas; we don't allow it freedom to have its own say. So we immediately reduce every verb to a noun.

You are in love with a woman or a man and immediately you start thinking of getting married. Make it a legal contract. Why? How does the law come into love? The law comes into love because love is not there. It is only a fantasy, and you know the fantasy will disappear. Before it disappears settle down, before it disappears do something so it becomes impossible to separate.

In a better world, with more meditative people, with a little more enlightenment spread over the earth, people will love, love immensely, but their love will remain a relating not a relationship. And I am not saying that their love will be only momentary. There is every possibility their love may go deeper than your love, may have a higher quality of intimacy, may have something more of poetry and more of godliness in it. And there is every possibility their love may last longer than your so-called relationship ever lasts. But it will not be guaranteed by the law, by the court, by the policeman. The guarantee will be inner. It will be a commitment from the heart, it will be a silent communion.

If you enjoy being with somebody, you would like to enjoy it more and more. If you enjoy the intimacy, you would like to explore the intimacy more and more. And there are a few flowers of love which bloom only after long intimacies. There are seasonal flowers too; within six weeks they are there, in the sun, but within six weeks again they are gone forever. There are flowers that take years to come, and there are flowers that take many years to come. The longer it takes, the deeper it goes. But it has to be a commitment from one heart to another heart. It has not even to be verbalized, because to verbalize it is to profane it. It has to be a silent commitment; eye to eye, heart to heart, being to being. It has to be understood, not said.

Forget relationships and learn how to relate.

Once you are in a relationship you start taking each other for granted– that's what destroys all love affairs. The woman thinks she knows the man, the man thinks he knows the woman. Nobody knows either! It is impossible to know the other, the other remains a mystery. And to take the other for granted is insulting, disrespectful.

To think that you know your wife is very, very ungrateful. How can you know the woman? How can you know the man? They are processes, they are not things. The woman that you knew yesterday is not there today. So much water has gone down the Ganges; she is somebody else, totally different. Relate again, start again, don't take it for granted.

And the man that you slept with last night, look at his face again in the morning. He is no more the same person, so much has changed. So much, incalculably much has changed. That is the difference between a thing and a person. The furniture in the room is the same, but the man and the woman, they are no more the same. Explore again, start again. That's what I mean by relating.

Relating means you are always starting, you are continuously trying to become acquainted. Again and again, you are introducing yourself to each other. You are trying to see the many facets of the other's personality. You are trying to penetrate deeper and deeper into his realm of inner feelings, into the deep recesses of his being. You are trying to unravel a mystery which cannot be unraveled. That is the joy of love: the exploration of consciousness.

And if you relate, and don't reduce it to a relationship, then the other will become a mirror to you. Exploring him, unawares you will be exploring yourself too. Getting deeper into the other, knowing his feelings, his thoughts, his deeper stirrings, you will be knowing your own deeper stirrings too. Lovers become mirrors to each other, and then love becomes a meditation. Relationship is ugly, relating is beautiful.

Hence I say relate. By saying relate, I mean remain continuously on a honeymoon. Go on searching and seeking each other, finding new ways of loving each other, finding new ways of being with each other. And each person is such an infinite mystery, inexhaustible, unfathomable, that it is not possible that you can ever say, "I have known her," or, "I have known him." At the most you can say, "I have tried my best, but the mystery remains a mystery."

In fact the more you know, the more mysterious the other becomes. Then love is a constant adventure. 

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